Dog Race

For those of us who haven't been in Alaska very long February and March are busy months in Anchorage.

First we have the Iditarod, "The Last Great Race", which for the uninitiated is the largest sled dog race in the US. It has a ceremonial start in downtown Anchorage, and then 24hours later the real start occurs in Wasilla. Odd thing is though, Anchorage has usually lost most of the snow on the roads by then (either due to the diligence of our snow removal crews or weather). So in order to provide snow for the dogs and sleds to run on it gets trucked in!

Then we have the Fur Rondy (or Rondezvous) Which has it's origins in the trapping trade that got people to Alaska in the first place. It started out as a meeting to get all the trappers in the outlying areas in one place so they could barter and trade furs as a means to make a living and to be able to stock up on low winter supplies. Now it's more like a winter fair, with music, and games, and outhouse races (yes I said outhouse races).

Anyway the purpose of this post is let you know about these events so you can plan for them if you wish to experience what Anchorage has to offer in the winter.
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This could have very well been me and it did cause me to go read the man page on say!
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Tilt-shift miniature faking is a process in which a photograph of a life-size location or object is manipulated so that it looks like a photograph of a miniature scale model. By distorting the focus of the photo, the artist simulates the shallow depth of field normally encountered with macro lenses making the scene seem much smaller than it actually is. Many miniature faked photographs are taken from a high angle to further simulate the effect of looking down on a miniature. Thanks Wikipedia
From Christmas at the MacDonald's

Hey Guys, just wanted to post some pictures of the Christmas decorations and the new furniture in the kitchen. Give us a shout and let us know what you think. The shot that I linked was from the Moon set this morning. It was so bright you could read by it and it's supposed to be brighter this evening... If it is I will try and get some more pictures and post them.
Ever wonder how cold -3deg really is? Please note it's been down to -40 lately here!

Thunderbird Heights Homeowners Association

This is my latest pet project, a website for my homeowners association.